Wednesday 19th of Jumad Al Akher, 1436, 11:37 a.m., 32ْc
I joined the MA program of the English Language Institute at King Abdulaziz University a year ago (excluding this one), and due to administrative stupidity, which is quite common in my "revered" tower of knowledge, that is KAU, I had to re-do everything from the beginning. The one in charge of the MA TESOL program is supremely helpful, and he managed to save me a humongous amount of time and effort to keep my wheel spinning, which started to lose its momentum as I went through all of those administrative ordeals our "established" Uni is known for.
Despite the fact that I managed to pull myself together for the first semester of this year, I find myself completely devoid of energy and passion as of this writing. The purpose I'm doing my post- graduate study for, the time and strength I'm sacrificing for this program, and the overall psyche, are heading down as the curve finally passed the apex of my zeal. Is it a sign of despair, or one of my "destructive" whims and fopperies? It could be either or both.
I'm the only male student among a group of seventeen enthusiastic women who the majority of are members of the faculty of ELI. After the rift that occurred near the end of last year, a new group of other ladies who are not quite as enthusiastic as the first ones, joined the program, and again, I had to tag along with them..... A single male?.... Among a pack of females?.... In Saudi Arabia?... Is that even true?....Yes silly, it is true. They could see me thanks to the "primitive" camera positioned atop a 14 inch television from the time of the Cosby Show's pilot episode in 1989 (I think), while I could only communicate with them via a super sensitive microphone that can detect the slightest whispers of either end, and you can imagine what kind of pinky stuff the ladies speak of when the channel of communication between us is disconnected, and the mic is unexpectedly still picking their voices. You can't afford but laugh your head out at such a pathetic situation a "modern" Muslim conservative such as me was thrown in.....sigh...:(
More to be discussed later,
Until then, take care. :)